11.07.23 MSCL Colloquium – Paula Schwenke, MPH

We would like to invite you to our July colloquium “Designing a free online course on planetary health as a science communication method” on July 11th at 13:00 (German time).

Paula Schwenke has a master’s in public health from LMU and is a scientific research associate at the Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research at LMU.

Ms. Schwenke and her team designed a course for the VHB (the Virtual University of Bavaria) about Planetary Health; and in this colloquium, she will provide insights into the development, implementation, and evaluation of an online course as a science communication format. Free accessible online courses offer an easy opportunity to implement the relevant and interdisciplinary topic of Planetary Health, regardless of the human or financial resources of the university.

More information on each colloquium will be sent to our mailing list as the dates approach. Here you can subscribe to our email list: https://www.mscl.de/mailing-list/ .

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or ideas about possible topics and speakers.

If you missed the event, you can still watch Paula Schwenke’s presentation here:

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