MSCL Colloquium – Dr. Lukas Rudolph

We would like to invite you to our next colloquium on November 29th at 13:00 (German time).

Dr. Lukas Rudolph will debate the question “When Does the Public Support Ambitious Climate and Environmental Policy”?

Dr. Rudolph is a Senior Research Fellow at the Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science of LMU and a Research Associate at the Center for Comparative and International Studies of ETH Zurich.

His research covers political behavior, preference formation, and the role of institutions from a comparative political economy perspective. He has a specific interest in environmental politics and environmental behavior.

He is co-leading a project with Vally Koubi (ETH Zurich, SNF-funded) on [Climate Risk, Land Loss, and Migration: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Bangladesh](

His work has been published in The Journal of Politics, the British Journal of Political Science, the European Journal of Political Research, the Journal of European Public Policy, Political Science Research and Methods, Journal of Peace Research and Political Behavior amongst others.

This is an online event carried out in English. However, questions in German are also welcomed. We look forward to your participation in our lively after-talk discussion! If you haven’t yet, please register here in advance.

More information on each colloquium will be sent to our mail list as the dates approach. Here subscribe to our email list: .

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or ideas about possible topics and speakers.

If you missed the event, you can still watch the presentation here:

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