Category: Research

  • Zur Wissenschaftskommunikation verpflichtet? Impulse füreine reflexive Ethik der Wissenschaftskommunikation

    Julia Serong, 2022In C. Paganini, M. Prinzing & J. Serong (Hrsg.), Wissen kommunizieren. Ethische Anforderungen an die Kommunikation zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Reihe Kommunikations- und Medienethik (Band 20) (S. 143-156). Nomos. Abstract: Dass das öffentliche Engagement von Forscher:innen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Qualität in der Wissenschaftskommunikation leisten kann, dürfte unbestritten sein. Problematisch…

  • Mehr als nur Wissensvermittlung: Gesundheitskommunikation in digitalen Öffentlichkeiten

    Julia Serong, 2021. In: Klapper, Bernadette and Cichon, Irina (eds.) : Neustart! Für die Zukunft unseres Gesundheitswesens. Berlin: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. pp. 575-580

  • Surveys on Science Communication

    The MSCL regularly conducts exciting studies on science communication. For meaningful results, we rely on a large number of people who are willing to participate in our surveys. If you would like to join us and contribute to research on effective science communication, we would be happy to add you…

  • Experiment: The Earth Under the Microscope

    One of the six experiments supported by the MSCL launched its exhibition this month in the Deutsches Museum in Munich. This project was selected from the MSCL Call for Participation in February 2022. Location: Science Communication Lab, Auditorium in the first floor, Deutsches Museum Schedule: Description: Where do my cereals…

  • Call for Papers

    In a time of multiple crises (e.g., Covid pandemic, climate crisis, geopolitical crises such as the war in Ukraine), scientists and engineers are expected to help in approaching wicked problems (Rittel & Webber, 1973) that, in fact, have no solutions. As science communication grapples with the increasing demands of complex…

  • FAQ – Call for Participation

    Are you a researcher working on planetary health or engaging in science communication? Do you have something to say about food or food systems and how they relate to climate change, environmental protection, and human health? Then the Munich Science Communication Lab (MSCL) is your place to be. On March…

  • Call for Participation

    We are pleased to announce our first call for participation in a co-creation process on the topic of Planetary Health communication. On March 28th at 3:30 PM, we will hold an in-person workshop in Munich where experts, practitioners, and researchers from science communication and planetary health will come together to…