
Evidenzbasierung und Qualitätssicherung in der Gesundheitskommunikation.

Constanze Rossmann, 2022.
In Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (Hrsg.), Evidenzbasierung in Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung (Reihe Gesundheitsförderung Konkret, Bd. 25 (pp. 8-22).

Full text: PDF (free download)


Zur Wissenschaftskommunikation verpflichtet? Impulse füreine reflexive Ethik der Wissenschaftskommunikation

Julia Serong, 2022
In C. Paganini, M. Prinzing & J. Serong (Hrsg.), Wissen kommunizieren. Ethische Anforderungen an die Kommunikation zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Reihe Kommunikations- und Medienethik (Band 20) (S. 143-156). Nomos.

Abstract: Dass das öffentliche Engagement von Forscher:innen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Qualität in der Wissenschaftskommunikation leisten kann, dürfte unbestritten sein. Problematisch wird es jedoch, wenn dieses freiwillige Engagement als Verpflichtung angesehen wird. Auch wenn gute Gründe dafür zu sprechen scheinen, sollte die Forderung nach einer individuellen Pflicht zur Wissenschaftskommunikation kritisch reflektiert werden. Aus einer systemtheoretischen Perspektive wird ersichtlich, dass eine solche Verpflichtung die Beziehungen zwischen Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit von einer Beobachtungs- in eine Leistungsrelation transformiert. Unter den Bedingungen einer polykontexturalen, dezentralen Öffentlichkeit kann dies eine dysfunktionale Entdifferenzierung von Wissenschaftskommunikation begünstigen. Stattdessen braucht es eine Anpassung der funktionalen Vermittlungsstrukturen, vor allem in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sowie im Journalismus. Der Beitrag plädiert daher für eine „Professionalisierung 2.0“ in der Wissenschaftskommunikation, die insbesondere die ethische
Reflexion fördert und stärkt. Hierzu wird ein ethischer Orientierungsrahmen skizziert, der sich auf Nützlichkeit bzw. Verständlichkeit, Richtigkeit bzw. Wahrhaftigkeit, „Timing“, Gemeinsinn und Unabhängigkeit als Prinzipien für gute Wissenschaftskommunikation stützt.

Full text: PDF (free doanload)


Mehr als nur Wissensvermittlung: Gesundheitskommunikation in digitalen Öffentlichkeiten

Julia Serong, 2021. 
In: Klapper, Bernadette and Cichon, Irina (eds.) : Neustart! Für die Zukunft unseres Gesundheitswesens. Berlin: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. pp. 575-580


Surveys on Science Communication

The MSCL regularly conducts exciting studies on science communication.

For meaningful results, we rely on a large number of people who are willing to participate in our surveys. If you would like to join us and contribute to research on effective science communication, we would be happy to add you to our survey panel. Your e-mail address will be stored until 30.11.2026. Of course, you always have the option of having your e-mail address deleted from the panel anytime.

Simply enter your e-mail address here in this form:

News Research

Experiment: The Earth Under the Microscope

One of the six experiments supported by the MSCL launched its exhibition this month in the Deutsches Museum in Munich. This project was selected from the MSCL Call for Participation in February 2022.

Location: Science Communication Lab, Auditorium in the first floor, Deutsches Museum


  • 09.01.2023 — 15.01.2023 Pop-Up exhibition
  • 16.01.2023 — 22.01.2023 Pop-Up exhibition
    Exchange with scientists on site
  • 23.01.2023 — 29.01.2023 Pop-Up exhibition
    Exchange with scientists on site
    Self-supervised exploration of satellite data through a “microscope”
  • 30.01.2023 — Feb/Mar 2023 Pop-Up exhibition
    Self-supervised exploration of satellite data through a “microscope”


Where do my cereals come from? What about Planetary Health? We are facing major challenges: a growing world population needs to be fed. In the process, planetary boundaries have long been exceeded, and the global ecosystem is under strain. Does modern, intensive agriculture really provide food for all? Our food system is in a deep crisis. Why is that, what does it matter to me, and what role does my own consumption play? Is there hope, and what can I do? A view from space gives answers.

In this exhibition, you are the center of attention. Surely you have a lot of questions. We provide you not only with facts and figures. Follow in the footsteps of researchers yourself and examine real satellite data and Planetary Health under the microscope. Get an overview and draw conclusions. Intuitive graphics help you to put everything into perspective. You are also invited to ask questions directly to a local expert! What about agriculture in your neighborhood? See the latest images from the European Earth observation satellite “Sentinel”!

At the end of the exhibition, the group asks you to answer a few questions as part of your experience. It is quick and fun!

Click here for more information.

News Research

Call for Papers

In a time of multiple crises (e.g., Covid pandemic, climate crisis, geopolitical crises such as the war in Ukraine), scientists and engineers are expected to help in approaching wicked problems (Rittel & Webber, 1973) that, in fact, have no solutions. As science communication grapples with the increasing demands of complex issues in globally networked societies, authenticity, or the lack thereof, plays an ever more significant role.

For communicators, authenticity is vital. It makes it more likely for audiences to consider their insights. For science communicators, authenticity is negotiated on different levels (Hendriks et al., 2015). Their roles, for example, as scientists, journalists, or influencers, require staying true to the relevant norms and values of their social role and discipline, while other roles may introduce conflicting demands and values (Saffran et al., 2020). How is authenticity negotiated by different science communicators, and how does it affect their impact on policymakers and the broader public?

Scientific evidence and (allegedly) science-based arguments in mass media and social media have suffered from fake news and misinformation campaigns, while scientists add to the issue through scientific dissent or multiple replication crises across disciplines (Earp & Trafimow, 2015). How can science communication contribute to public science literacy and media literacy, helping individuals assess the authenticity of arguments, evidence, and data, and how can such assessments help people make better science-based decisions?

We want to explore the concept of authenticity in the broadest possible sense. Trust in organisations (Mayer et al., 1995) can be part of our exploration as much as authenticity judgments of scientists and scientific evidence (Anderson et al., 2012; Boyette & Ramsey, 2019). We welcome works on perceptions of trustworthiness and integrity in science communication. Contributions may discuss possible connections between related concepts to draw out differences and overlaps with authenticity.

The 2023 post-conference, Authentic Voices in Science Communication, is planned as a continuation of the Paris 2022 Preconference, The Science of Science Communication: Mapping the Field, and is co-organized by the environmental communication division. We welcome a broad spectrum of
theoretical, methodological, and empirical contributions from all sections of the ICA dealing with authenticity in science communication from a theoretical, conceptual, or empirical perspective.

Contributions can address at least one of the following aspects while referencing the overarching topic of the post-conference, authenticity, in its broadest sense:

  1. The concept of authenticity in science communication and its relationship to integrity and trustworthiness.
  2. Transcultural perspectives on authenticity in science communication.
  3. Science, risk, health, and environmental communication.
  4. Empirical research from various theoretical and methodical perspectives
    a. (new, emerging) communicators,
    b. messages,
    c. (digital, social) media formats,
    d. reception,
    e. and/or effects of science communication.
  5. Theoretical contributions to science communication research.
  6. Methodological contributions to science communication research.
  7. (Public) discourses about norms and ethics in science communication.
  8. Science communication as a profession: skills, education, careers.
  9. New and innovative approaches to science communication from traditional science communication institutions as well as arts, (political) activism, business, etc.

Organized by the Munich Science Communication Lab (LMU Munich) – Bernhard Goodwin & Sabine Reich / Contact: Bernhard Goodwin (

Submission Guidelines
We welcome regular and PhD-submissions. All conference submissions must include a separate cover page and extended abstract. The cover page should provide the submission’s title, author information, three to five keywords, and, if applicable, a note identifying the submission as a “Ph.D.
paper” (Ph.D.-student led paper). Works in progress are welcome. The conference organizers support open science practices and accept preregistrations and replications. Extended abstracts must be fully
blinded for reviewing and be limited to a maximum of 800 – 1000 words plus references, tables, and figures.

Please send your conference submissions (cover page and anonymous extended abstract) to

The deadline for submissions is January 23, 2023. Submissions will undergo blind peer review, and acceptance notifications will be sent out on February 11, 2023.

Date & Conference Format
Authors of accepted extended abstracts will be able to present their papers live in Toronto on May 30, 2023.

Keynote Speaker is John C. Besley (Michigan State University)

The organizers plan this as a one-day in-person conference, opening with a keynote panel. Accepted submissions will be presented in two or three consecutive panels followed by a networking and reflection session to close out the post-conference.

Conference venue
McLuhan Centre for Culture and Technology (University of Toronto)
39A Queens Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario

Full Document:

News Research

FAQ – Call for Participation

Are you a researcher working on planetary health or engaging in science communication? Do you have something to say about food or food systems and how they relate to climate change, environmental protection, and human health? Then the Munich Science Communication Lab (MSCL) is your place to be. On March 28th, we will hold an in-person workshop in Munich where experts, practitioners, and researchers from science communication and planetary health will come together to develop ideas and form teams. The MSCL will help you develop new ideas for communicating planetary health by funding and supporting your project (= experiment) through our experience and network.

Join our workshop or apply directly for an experiment at the MSCL.



  • What is going to happen during the workshop?

In the workshop, you will explore innovative ways of communicating about the interaction between human health and the planet’s health with a specific focus on food and food systems. You will meet many people you can form teams with and discuss and develop new ideas on how to communicate planetary health.

  • What is necessary to apply for the workshop?

You need to fill out this form until March 10, 2022, and tell us your motivation, expertise, and ideas at their current stage. Don’t worry if you can’t fill in all the fields yet – we are looking for a diverse group. You can also apply as a team.

  • When and where will the workshop take place?

The workshop will take place on March 28, 2022, at the University of Munich. It will be an in-person event starting at 3:30 PM local time. **

  • Who can apply for the workshop?

Anyone who has a good idea or is interested and motivated to develop an idea related to planetary health communication is welcome to apply for the workshop. It will be a bilingual workshop with input welcomed in English and German. You can already come as a team or as an individual.

  • What if I have a good idea, but I cannot join the workshop?

To apply for an experiment, it is not necessary to join the workshop. You can also directly apply for a funded experiment. **

  • How much does it cost to join the workshop?

The workshop is entirely free. However, travel expenses are not covered.

  • Is there a way to participate in the workshop virtually?

There isn’t a virtual workshop planned yet – the workshop on March 28th is a presence workshop held in Munich. If there is enough interest for a virtual brainstorm session, we will plan one shortly after. Please let us know if you can only meet virtually. Don’t forget that if you have a team and want to be in the process, you don’t have to participate in the workshop to propose an experiment. It is not a pre-requisite.

  • Will only people at the workshop be able to apply for an experiment?

We have two applications – one for attending the workshop and another for the experiment, which can be applied independently.


  • What is meant by an “experiment”?

An experiment can be a media product (e.g. a social media post, a radio show), an event, an exhibit, an installation, or any other communicating activity related to planetary health. **

  • When and where does the experiment need to take place?

You are entirely free in choosing the location. However, the period in which the experiment must take place is between April and August. **

  • How can the MSCL help me?

The MSCL can assist you in conducting the experiment. We have many social scientists and experts in the lab who can help you with questions and support you at any stage of your experiment.

  • Are the experiments funded?

Yes, the experiments are funded with a grant of up to €8,000 in direct costs per team.

  • What are the general requirements for an experiment?

First of all, you do not need to worry if you cannot fulfill all the requirements. We will help you and guide you through the different points. In the end, …

… the experiments should address at least one of the following issues: (1) Framing planetary health, (2) communicating wicked problems, (3) the Mutual Benefit Model of Science Communication. If you want to dig deeper into the topics, look into our call sheet.

… the content has to come from the field of planetary health with a particular focus on food and food systems. The experiments must be based on scientific facts backed by appropriate scientific experts.

… the experiments’ messages, message design, and communication tools must be theory- and evidence-based. That is why we will put a lot of effort into building teams with the appropriate knowledge.

… you should co-create the experiments with its desired stakeholders and have clear, measurable goals and outcomes. The co-creation process and the evaluation are part of the experiment. Data collection must be done scientifically and ethically.

… the experiment ideally includes some variation to evaluate different groups.

… the created knowledge should help to inform future research on the science communication areas described below. This also includes publishing the results of the evaluation. **

  • How do I apply for an experiment?

You must write a four-page proposal and hand it in until April 15, 2022, via mail: In the proposal, you need to (1) describe your experiment (including an evaluation plan), (2) justify how you are going to meet our requirements, and (3) plan the monetary and non-monetary resources needed: What do you bring to the table, where do you need the MSCL and its network?

  • I have more than one idea. Can I apply for more than one experiment?

Yes, you can apply for more than one experiment. **

  • I have only a little idea about how social sciences work. Can I still apply for an experiment?

Yes, you can. We will help you find a team partner and, besides that, assist you at every step of the process.

  • What happens after my experiment takes place?

Using social science methods (text/image analysis, participant interviews, observations, experimental designs), we will analyze your experiment and link it to other empirical findings from the research. Together, we will develop a timeline to coordinate the experiment, the study, and the evaluation.

  • Can these experiments take place in 2023?

We wouldn’t exclude this possibility, but it is advantageous if they can produce results this year. This way, we can go into the next round with the knowledge of the first round. The experiments shouldn’t be too extensive.

  • Is it possible to plan an experiment outside of Munich/Germany?

Yes, we welcome experiments taking place in other regions as well.

  • Are you offering support regarding the methodology and practices of data collection during and after the experiment?

Yes, we will try our best and we will share our resources. We do want every team to include an aspect of science communication research.

  • Regarding co-creation, where does co-creation take place if one comes to you with a topic or/and an idea? In the experiment with possible audiences? Or in the workshop/work with you?

Ideally, it takes place in both cases.

  • How do you see the cooperation/application of research institutions that are well funded themselves and/or have their own funds for outreach projects?

There is no problem there. Maybe you have an idea of what you want to implement with us and you don’t need funding, but you would like the space for reflection and the network.

  • How many experiments do you plan altogether?

It will depend on the scope of the experiments. If some require a lot of resources, we will plan less. If they are smaller, we will plan more.

  • Is it possible that one part of the experiment could feed into a master thesis at another University?

There should be no problem. However, there might be an issue with the thesis advisor if they have other ideas in mind and want the student to concentrate on other aspects.

News Research

Call for Participation

We are pleased to announce our first call for participation in a co-creation process on the topic of Planetary Health communication.

On March 28th at 3:30 PM, we will hold an in-person workshop in Munich where experts, practitioners, and researchers from science communication and planetary health will come together to develop ideas and form teams. In the workshop, English and German speakers are welcomed.

Find the Call in English and German with further information about the process and important deadlines. We would be very pleased if you share our call with your network and, of course, if you participate in our workshop/submit a proposal yourself.

Don’t hesitate to distribute the call in your respective networks.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please have a look at our FAQ, do not hesitate to contact us at: We will have a virtual Q&A on February 21, 3:30 PM (German time), the details will be shared on our mailing list, to which you can sign on right here: