Category: Research
Science Popularization in a Polarized Society: How Scientists in the Field of Climate Change Communicate Science and Deal with Potential Negative Feedback
Dr. Josephine Schmitt und Dr. Sabine Reich, 2023 Poster presentation at the 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (DGPs) in Luxembourg.
Provocations to Environmental History and History of Technology: The Anthropocene
Helmuth Trischler and Fabienne Will, 2023.Giacomo Bonan und Katia Occhi (HRSG.): Environment and Infrastructure. Challenges, knowledge and Innovation from the Early Modern Period, 13-32 Full text: PDF (free download)
Evaluationsbericht zur Klimasimulation En-Roads
Clara Kühner, Fabienne Will, Bernhard Goodwin, 2023Science Communication Lab, Deutsches Museum. München: LMU, Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung Abstract: The following report presents the evaluation results of a science communication initiative that took place in February 2023 at the Science Communication Lab of the Deutsches Museum in Munich. Visitors were…
Evaluation Report on the Event “Social Tipping Interventions and Science Communication
Clara Kühner, Bernhard Goodwin, 2023Munich: Munich Science Communication Lab Abstract: This report presents the evaluation results of a two-hour science communication event titled “Social Tipping Interventions and Science Communication” at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU). Within five short presentations, a panel discussion, and a question-and-answer session with the audience, three speakers…
How Politicians’ Attacks on Science Communication Influence Public Perceptions of Journalists and Scientists
Jana Laura EgelhoferVol 11, No 1 (2023): Science Communication in the Digital Age: New Actors, Environments, and Practices Abstract: In today’s “post-truth” world, concerns over political attacks on the legitimacy of expert knowledge and scientific facts are growing. Especially populist politicians frequently use their social media platforms to target science and…
Wissen kommunizieren. Ethische Anforderungen an die Kommunikation zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft.
Claudia Paganini, Marlis Prinzing, Julia Serong. Nomos, 2023, 231 Seiten, broschiertISBN 978-3-8487-8846-0 Abstract: Communicating knowledge places ethical demands on communication between science and society. Communicating knowledge has always been relevant but suffered a loss of trust in the context of the coronavirus pandemic—among other things, due to research results published…
Outcomes from the First European Planetary Health Hub Convening at ARTIS in Amsterdam
Kort, Remco, Jeremy Pivor, Josep M. Antó, Annemarie Bergsma, Peter J. Blankestijn, Olette Bollen, Egid van Bree, Joyce L. Browne, Judith de Bruin, Jasper Buikx, and et al. (u.a. Goodwin, Bernhard). 2023. Challenges 14, no. 3: 33. Abstract: A new network of over 72 organizations from 12 countries was activated during…
Short but Critical?: How “Fake News” and “Anti-Elitist” Media Attacks Undermine Perceived Message Credibility on Social Media
Linda Bos, Jana Laura Egelhofer, and Sophie LechelerCommunication Research 2023 50:6, 695-719 Abstract: Citizens increasingly turn to social media for information, where they often rely on cues to judge the credibility of news messages. In these environments, populist politicians use “fake news” and “anti-elitist” attacks to undermine the credibility of news messages. This article argues…
Planetarische Gesundheit: Die COVID-19-Pandemie als Technikwende und als kommunikative Herausforderung für die Museen
Helmuth Trischler, 2022. In: Farrenkopf, M. and Göschl, R. ed. Gras drüber … Bergbau und Umwelt im deutsch-deutschen Vergleich: Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums Bochum im Jahr 2022. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, pp. 35-42. Full text
Evidenzbasierung und Qualitätssicherung in der Gesundheitskommunikation.
Constanze Rossmann, 2022.In Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (Hrsg.), Evidenzbasierung in Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung (Reihe Gesundheitsförderung Konkret, Bd. 25 (pp. 8-22). Full text: PDF (free download)