Author: Bernhard Goodwin
MSCL Colloquium: Dr Mascha Gugganig
Opening up Indoor Vertical Farming – How (not) to Communicate a Novel Food Production System We would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Opening up Indoor Vertical Farming – How (not) to Communicate a Novel Food Production System”, on March 26, 2024, at 1 p.m. (GMT+1). Dr. Gugganig will discuss how proponents of indoor…
Venice International University Spring School 2024
Equipping Researchers with Skills, Strategies, and Confidence for Science Communication The Spring School will take place from March 18 to March 22, 2024, and the programme is now available. We are proud to share that three members of the Munich Science Communication Lab (MSCL) are part of the faculty: Julia…
Evaluation in Science Communication
The Munich Science Communication Lab (MSCL) and the Impact Unit invite you to the joint conference “Evaluation in Science Communication” at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. The conference will present and discuss current developments, challenges, and future perspectives of evaluations in science communication and will bring together insights from practice and…
MSCL Colloquium: Dr. Helen Fischer
Objective and Subjective Knowledge: “Feeling the truth” and its Importance for Science Communication We would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Objective and Subjective Knowledge: “Feeling the truth” and its Importance for Science Communication”, on February 20, 2024, at 1 p.m. (GMT+1). In this talk, Dr Helen Fischer will discuss the relevance of objective and…
MSCL Colloquium: Gregg Mitman
Ebola in a Stew of Fear We would like to invite you to our colloquium, “Ebola in a Stew of Fear” on November 7, 2023, at 1 p.m. (GMT+1). This talk explores a range of moral tales put forth to account for the origin and spread of the 2014 to 2016 Ebola outbreak in West…
Science Popularization in a Polarized Society
Science Popularization in a Polarized Society: How Scientists in the Field of Climate Change Communicate Science and Deal with Potential Negative Feedback Dr Josephine Schmitt und Dr Sabine Reich, 2023 Poster presentation at the 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (DGPs) in Luxembourg More information on each event will…
Provocations to Environmental History and History of Technology: The Anthropocene
Helmuth Trischler and Fabienne Will, 2023.Giacomo Bonan und Katia Occhi (HRSG.): Environment and Infrastructure. Challenges, knowledge and Innovation from the Early Modern Period, 13-32 Full text: PDF (free download)
Evaluationsbericht zur Klimasimulation En-Roads
Clara Kühner, Fabienne Will, Bernhard Goodwin, 2023Science Communication Lab, Deutsches Museum. München: LMU, Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung Abstract: The following report presents the evaluation results of a science communication initiative that took place in February 2023 at the Science Communication Lab of the Deutsches Museum in Munich. Visitors were…
Evaluation Report on the Event “Social Tipping Interventions and Science Communication
Clara Kühner, Bernhard Goodwin, 2023Munich: Munich Science Communication Lab Abstract: This report presents the evaluation results of a two-hour science communication event titled “Social Tipping Interventions and Science Communication” at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU). Within five short presentations, a panel discussion, and a question-and-answer session with the audience, three speakers…
How Politicians’ Attacks on Science Communication Influence Public Perceptions of Journalists and Scientists
Jana Laura EgelhoferVol 11, No 1 (2023): Science Communication in the Digital Age: New Actors, Environments, and Practices Abstract: In today’s “post-truth” world, concerns over political attacks on the legitimacy of expert knowledge and scientific facts are growing. Especially populist politicians frequently use their social media platforms to target science and…