4th Science Communication Preconference

We are excited to announce the 4th Science Communication Preconference, taking place on June 12, 2025, as part of the 75th Annual Conference of the ICA in Denver. We can proudly say that Bernhard Goodwin and Lars Günther from the MSCL are part of the organizing team!

The preconference explores the role of science communication research within communication science and its relevance to fields like journalism, environmental, and health communication. It also examines its impact beyond academia, addressing practitioners, policymakers, and societal challenges. Bringing together diverse theoretical, methodological, and disciplinary perspectives, the event welcomes contributions ranging from theoretical reflections to empirical studies, meta-analyses, and literature reviews.

The Keynote Speakers that are already confirmed are Sahana Udupa from the University of Munich and Bruno Takahashi from the Michigan State University. The conference-venue is CSU Spur, located at 4777 National Western Dr., Denver Colorado.

For more Information, have a look at the call for papers or contact icaprecon@mscl.de.