21.07.2023 „Dear Future Children“ Open Air Film Screening and Discussion

Another shout-out to all the film lovers out there: you are invited to a free open-air screening of the award-winning documentary “Dear Future Children” on July 21st at 21:15. The screening will take place at the garden of Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München at Bernd-Eichinger-Platz 1, München.

For the first time the Public Health Filmfestival (https://www.phff.de/), supported by the MSCL, will be joining forces with Munich’s other film festivals during the Popup Sommerkino powered by M-net (https://www.popup-sommerkino.de/). Each evening another film festival team will be curating a free open-air screening of a film of their choice, allowing you to experience a great spectrum of films over the course of two weeks.

The film “Dear Future Children” is about young activism. It follows three female activists on the protests in Hong Kong against the Beijing-influenced administration under Carrie Lam, the protests in Chile against social inequality in the country, and in Uganda at the local Fridays for Future protests and actions for climate justice.

After the screening, there will be a discussion, hosted by Katharina Wabnitz from the Centre for Planetary Health Policy, about the film and the interrelation of climate, democracy, and equality with our own health. We will look at this topic from the perspectives of scientists and activists.

Do not miss this important film and talk and guarantee your free ticket here: https://rausgegangen.de/events/public-health-filmfestival-dear-future-children-0/