16.05.23 MSCL Colloquium – Prof. Imke Hoppe

We would like to invite you to our colloquium “Constructive climate communication from the audience perspective: promises, challenges and pitfalls” on May 16th at 13:00 (German time).

Prof. Dr. Imke Hoppe will take a closer look at the concept of ‘solution-based journalism’ for the field of climate communication with a perspective on audiences and will discuss potentials and limitations of the approach.

This year, Prof. Hoppe became a professor at the Geography department at LMU. She completed her doctorate at the Technical University Ilmenau (Department of Economic Sciences and Media) on the topic of digital communication and climate change. Previously, she was deputy head of the department children’s media at the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT. From 2017 to 2021, she researched and taught as a PostDoc at the Cluster of Excellence ‘CliSAP’ (Universität Hamburg) and at the Chair of Journalism and Communication Studies, esp. digitalized communication and sustainability. From 2022, Imke Hoppe worked at the DLR Institute of Systems Engineering for Future Mobility.

This is an online event carried out in English. However, questions in German are also welcomed.

More information on each colloquium will be sent to our mailing list as the dates approach. Here you can subscribe to our email list: https://www.mscl.de/mailing-list/ .

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or ideas about possible topics and speakers.

If you missed the event, you can still watch Prof. Dr. Imke Hoppe’s presentation here:

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